Tuesday, April 19, 2011

What My Large Mexican Family Taught Me About Social Media

Photo by Visual Photos (not my family!)
I had a whole lot of family members visiting this weekend. In addition to my boyfriend, myself and my parents, we had my aunt & her family of four, another aunt and her family of four, my uncle's family of four and my grandparents. This is just half my family, by the way!

It was a mission getting all 17 of us got together (give or take a person or two!) for our various meals around Austin. So while I sat back and watched, I thought of how these restaurants or retail shops could capitalize on our invasion and get some free publicity.

If I was working at a restaurant and 17 people came in, you bet I'd take a quick photo and post it on Facebook & Twitter. Why aren't these businesses doing that? Talk about quick, free promotion. Not just with a big crowd, but anytime anything fun, unique, weird or funny happens. I bet a lot of people new to Texas have no idea what sizzling fajitas look like, or a slab of brisket cooking on the grill at a local BBQ spot. What about a really cool looking beverage? Or a guest that's wearing a funky outfit, or better yet - a tee shirt with your logo on it!

In addition to the exposure, it's really important to cater to ALL customers - big crowds and single people. Something I really hate is bad customer service, and with peer review sites like Yelp and City Search, you would think the managers of these establishments would keep an eye on us - that's a potential 17 bad reviews! And we had some pretty bad service, but I won't point any fingers.

So restaurants and business, keep in mind how taking a quick photo and putting it up on social media sites is a great way to catch people's attention, without blatantly self promoting. Encourage patrons to like your page on Facebook, tag these photos and leave comments.

What do y'all think? What opportunities have you capitalized on using social media?

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Come Together on a Magical Mystery Tour

I'm pretty stoked with this flyer and upcoming event my partner and I are planning. 
I'm not a design person by profession, I don't even have Photoshop - so these moments when I put together pieces like this one make me proud! 
We wanted to put together an event that shows what Party Animals can do, and bring it all together with a really fun theme conveying something we both love.


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