Sunday, April 30, 2017

Back in the sky with dandelions

So, it's been a while. It is not that I didn't have much to say, it's that life was so hectic with a demanding career, new family and the responsibilities of being a new home owner. I decided that it was time to get back to documenting what I am up to. Not far any particular reason other than wanting a creative outlet in my new season of life. See, I used to write for a living.

Used to? Yup, that's right. There have been some interesting changes going on in my life. In December, I took a huge leap of faith and left an amazing job and organization. It was a tough decision, and ultimately came down to a few things: I wanted to spend more time with my family (because I worked more than 60 hours a week average), the pay was higher at the new gig and the commute was much less than 15 minutes. What I didn't take into account was the security of leaving a huge, multi-billion dollar organization to a mid-sized local company that some people love, and many others have never heard of.

Three months later and the company decided to eliminate my position and the department I was overseeing. So, that was that. And now I am just trying to figure things out as I look for my next opportunity, dabble in the idea of owning a business, run from playdate-to-playdate and entertain myself with all my makeup and clothes.

That's me (at least circa 2017) in a nut-shell. I hope you'll stick around and join my conversations. Seriously, I'm not just here to talk to myself.

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